Franchise Fact: Matco Tools Makes financing your dream of owning your own business easy by financing up to 100% of your start-up costs in some cases.

Franchise Investment FAQ

How much money will I need to start my mobile tool franchise business?

Typically, you will need $20,000 to $30,000 in start-up capital to start your own mobile tool franchise business. However, franchise investment requirements vary in relationship to your personal budget needs, amount financed, and equipment needs.

You'll be better able to determine your start-up capital amount once you have met with a Matco Tools Franchise representative. Complete our sign-up process and if you qualify a local Franchise Sales Specialist will explain all the details.

How much money can I make as a Matco Tool franchisee?

Matco cannot give any specific numbers because franchise disclosure laws don't allow us to give any specific income numbers.

You'll be better able to determine your potential earnings once you have met with a Matco Tools Franchise representative.

Complete our sign-up process and if you qualify, a local Franchise Sales Specialist will explain all the details.

What are the total costs I will incur in purchasing a Matco Tools Franchise?

The costs depend on personal budget needs, projected business budget, equipment needs, inventory, and accounts receivable requirements.

As part of the "Distributor Driven" process, Matco has policies and procedures in place to assist candidates in entering the Matco Tools franchise system on a sound financial basis.

A Matco Franchise Representative will help you determine the exact cost of purchasing a Matco Tools Franchise. Complete our sign-up process and if you qualify a local Franchise Sales Specialist will explain all the details.

Where are Matco Tools franchise opportunities available?

There are Matco Tools franchise opportunities available from coast-to-coast in all 50 U.S States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

Be sure to visit our available territories page to find the nearest franchise opportunity to you.

Interested? Let's get started.