Franchise Fact: With a Matco Tools Franchise you can determine how much income you would like to make.

Franchise Financing Process

There are two easy steps to get started to own a Matco Tools franchise. This means answering some personal and confidential questions to help us understand if you have the means for a franchise and what franchise financing options are available to you. All of the information you provide us is completely safe and confidential.

The Request for Consideration

First, we’ll ask you to provide your Social Security number and, if you’re married, your spouse’s Social Security number. Because Matco provides all financing internally, we need to know that you are indeed credit-worthy, and this includes your spouse.

We’ll let you know within 1-2 business days if you pass the credit check. Upon passing the credit check, you’ll typically receive a call from one of our Franchise Managers. Their job is to help you through the remainder of the process, provide any other information you need, and help you to decide if this business is right for you.

We’ll continue to send you Email messages with additional thoughts, suggestions, and information to help you along the way until you’re ready to take the next step.

The “Application” / Business Budget

We loosely call this an “Application” because it looks just like a job application. You are under absolutely no obligation to become a Matco Tools Franchise owner by completing this form. It’s simply the first step in helping you to create a comprehensive business budget.

Once you’ve completed the online application, you will meet with a Franchise Sales Manager. At that point, you’ll go through all the information, fill in any missing pieces, and put together your business budget. We help you create a complete business budget that will identify with certainty how much you’ll have to sell each month to meet your personal and business financial obligations. At this point, both you and Matco will know if it’s too big of a risk, and if becoming a Matco Franchise owner is something you feel confident you can manage.

You still don’t have to agree or sign anything. We’ll leave you with the budget and a set of materials, send you on one or two Ride-Alongs, and then check back to see if you’re ready.

Still have questions about your franchise opportunity? Be sure to visit the Matco Tools Franchise FAQ to learn more about our mobile tool franchises.

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