Franchise Fact: Matco Tools has been Ranked #1 in Tools Distribution by Entrepreneur Magazine for 5 of the past 7 years!

Available Mobile Tool Franchises

To see available tool franchises in the US or Canada, select your state or province.

For over 40 years Matco Tools has provided people of all backgrounds and experiences the opportunity to own a top personal business in their area.

Who is a Successful Franchisee?

While Matco is an automotive tools sales industry, you don't need any automotive, tools, or sales experience. With over 1,900 local route owners, our extensive training system ensures that everybody begins their new business with the tools and skills they will need to be successful.

Am I the Right Candidate?

Matco is very selective with who is awarded a franchise route. Our screening process assesses many factors when selecting for a local distributor, including financial and personal measures. Based on our experience, if we don't believe a candidate will be successful, we won't award them with a franchise.

How do Routes Work?

Serve the community you live in. Each state route is local to the area in which you live. Because this is a personal business opportunity, Matco assembles a list of customers and businesses to make up each route within driving distance.

Interested? Let's get started.